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Showing posts from October, 2023

Benedictine and Franciscan Monks: Forgotten Inventors

   Usually, when we think of religious orders, these things come to mind: a cloister, an abbey, a library, prayer in solitude, detachment from the world… All this in the cradle of a period defined as "dark" by historiography up to Romanticism: the Middle Ages . In this period the monks - especially the Benedictines of the various orders - were the custodians of Judeo-Christian but also classical culture, since thanks to their patient and meticulous transcriptions as scribes we have received almost all of the Greek and Latin works which we study today. Today we are grateful to them first of all for this.   However, many do not know that many products - material and immaterial - that we consume and use every day, come from monks who, using their ingenuity nourished by a profound spirituality, invented them due to practical necessities.    Personally, I find it amazing!    Let's begin…   The heavy plow   Plows were a primary agri...

Celebrating 100 Years of Italo Calvino: a 20th Century Intellectual

Illustrazione digitale di Maria René Menacho, 2023, studentessa del Liceo artistico Volta di Pavia. Tecnica mista Exactly a century ago, on October 15, 1923, one of the greatest writers of the 20th century was born, destined to give us some of the richest and most complex works of 20th-century Italian literature. Italo Calvino was able to reconcile different themes and genres, blending forms and stylistic choices in a frantic attempt to give a face to the chaos of reality, ready to amaze us even today with their disarming relevance.