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Ready, Set, Love

THE PLOT 1974. A pandemic had an impact on the population, making the percentage of male births reach 1%. The disease caused abnormal hormonal activity, leading to the female population outnumbering the male one. In order to protect men, the "treasure" of the country, the Thai Government established since 2004 that not only the few men born have to be taken away from their families to live in a locked space called The Farm, but they also have to get married to the winner of the government-sponsored game: Ready, Set, Love. 50 girls have to fight against each other to be the chosen one and get an ambitious prize: getting married and living a comfortable life in The Family, the prototype of the perfect family. What if the system is fixed to make only the girl from The Family win: could a normal girl turn the rule of the game upside-down? THE MODERN HEROINE Ready, Set, Love is a Netflix Thai TV series focused on Day, a girl who was selected to take part in the game. Day d

Adele: The Soulful Journey of a Global Music Icon [Part I]


                “I don't make music for the eyes, I make music for the ears.” ― Adele

Who hides behind “Adele”?

Certainly no monster hides behind this name, unless you mean a monster of the music industry! 

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, known worldwide simply as Adele, has emerged as one of the most influential and beloved voices in contemporary music. Born on May 5th, 1988, in the northern district of Tottenham, London, (as you can tell by listening to her funny accent) Adele's journey from a challenging childhood to international stardom is only the first example of her extraordinary talent and resilience. 


Her early years

Adele's early years were marked by the difficulties of a broken family, with her mother taking all the responsibilities of single parenthood after her father's abandonment due to his alcohol addiction.

Despite these challenges, Adele found solace and inspiration in the soulful tunes of legendary artists such as Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald. These early influences laid the foundation for the powerful and emotive vocal style that would later become her trademark.

 How did she get in touch with music?

 Since she was a child, she has been keen on singing contemporary pop music and she’s  learned to play the guitar and the clarinet.

However, it was not until her early teens, when she discovered rhythm-and-blues, that she began to consider a musical career. While she honed her talents at a government-funded secondary school for the performing arts, a friend began posting songs Adkins had written and recorded onto the social network. Her music and her soulful voice eventually caught the attention of record labels.

 Her debut with ‘19’ and the earlier years of her career 

Adele released her first album, 19, in 2008 and the title referred to the age at which she penned most of the tracks. The recording debuted at number one on the British album chart, and critics praised her tasteful arrangements, and her ability to channel her intimate emotional experiences, especially with heartbreak, into songs that had wide resonance.

This album included songs like Chasing Pavements and Daydreamer.

For many fans, apart from her candid work and her angelic voice, the essence of this singer is her down-to-earth persona that made her the more-relatable star.

However Adele's journey in the spotlight has indeed been marked by challenges, including regarding her appearance. In the earlier years of her career, she faced comments and judgments about her weight, reflecting societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards prevalent in the entertainment industry.


 The monumental success of ‘21’ 

 Released in 2011, "21" is Adele's second studio album. As usual The album is named after her age when she recorded it, and it explores themes of heartbreak and resilience. 

Some notable tracks in this album are worldwide-known songs, like Rolling In The Deep, Set Fire To The Rain and Someone Like You. The last one certainly became her powerful anthem, armed with Her hunting vocals and thought-provoking topics.

Adele's story is one of victory over adversity, fueled by an incredible passion for music. From her humble beginnings in Tottenham to becoming a global sensation, Adele has left an indelible mark on the music industry. 

 For now, we are done here! What do you think about her? Will you listen to some songs of hers? If so, don’t forget to tell us your opinion in the comments. We’ll meet again with the second part, stay tuned!


Today's Blogger

Hello there! I'm Francesco Elviretti, a 16-year-old student in my third year of the Liceo Scientifico. I find great pleasure in studying subjects like mathematics, physics, biology, and all things science, but my true passion lies in the field of medicine. I've joined this project to share fascinating insights with you, things you might not have discovered yet. Care to place a bet? XD


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