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Showing posts from April, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Skydiving

  Have you ever wondered what it feels like to leap out of an airplane and freefall through the sky? Skydiving, an exhilarating sport that combines adrenaline with awesome views, has been practised by adventure seekers worldwide. Now, would you like to join me on today's journey as I explore the ins and outs of skydiving, from its origins to a personal anecdote,  my very first tandem jump? Scroll down and discover how incredible it was!   Who was the first to skydive? Who invented it? Louis-Sébastien Lenormand holds the title of the first successful parachutist, having invented the parachute in 1783. However, it was André-Jacques Garnerin who truly revolutionized the sport with his spectacular parachute launches from balloons in 1797. Where  can you go  skydiving in Italy? In Italy, numerous skydiving centers offer enthusiasts the chance to experience the thrill of freefall. From Fano to Caltagirone, these centers provide stunning aerial views and expert g...

Social Media and Its Double-Edged Nature

Here is the second post of a series we wrote in 3sc. You'll find one each Thursday here on Let's Blog. This one is by Francesco Elviretti. “The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting,  yet we are really disconnecting from each other…” Lately many serious issues related to the brand new technological innovations have been discussed, and several different and discordant opinions have arisen. However, how should we consider a gigantic phenomenon like Social Media? Are its pros and cons correctly evaluated? From my experience and point of view, it seems to me that Social Media has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It serves as a platform for connection, information dissemination, and self-expression. However, beneath its shiny surface lies a manipulative side, making it impossible to live without it. Its Benefits At its core, social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another. It has bridged geographical b...

Justice Does Not Exist

  The notion of justice often seems so obvious to us that it seems superfluous to discuss it. Everyone seems to understand concepts such as goodness and wickedness, honesty and dishonesty, justice and injustice. Sometimes, we appeal to justice as a god who can intervene on our behalf. However, what we think is right for us may be unfair to others, leading to unpleasant consequences that fuel our distrust. It is as if justice resembles banks, ready to help us when we do not need it and to leave us alone in difficult times.   Laws of Nature In nature, between different species, there is no law. While predation may seem contrary to justice, it is in conformity with nature itself. On the contrary, violence within the same species is generally discouraged by instinct, as it threatens the survival of the species itself. Animals struggle for territory or the right to mate, but rarely do these clashes lead to the death of one of the individuals. The strongest will be able to tra...

Happy Earth Day!

The establishment of World Earth Day is credited to John McConnell, a peace activist who also held a strong interest in ecology. He believed that human beings have an obligation to care for the land and share resources in a fair manner. In October 1969, during the UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, McConnell proposed a day to celebrate the life and beauty of the Earth while promoting peace. For him, this celebration also served as a reminder to all people of the imperative to preserve and renew the threatened ecological balances on which all life on the planet depends. McConnell's proposal garnered significant support, leading to the inaugural "Earth Day" celebration in the city of San Francisco on March 21, 1970. The proclamation of Earth Day formalized a commitment to caring for the planet, accompanied by a set of principles and specific responsibilities. This document was endorsed by 36 world leaders, including UN Secretary-General U Thant, Margaret Mead, John Gardner...

Python explained with Math - Part I

Introduction Recently more and more people are gaining interest in better understanding what a programming language really is. Today, I’m going to help you understand the basics of programming languages by explaining it with secondary school Math knowledge (functions and equation systems). To make the job as easy as possible, I chose one of the easiest programming languages out there, which is also the one commonly used to introduce people to the coding world nowadays: Python ! Before starting: I’m “considering” all the code I’m writing as a “superset” of Math, meaning that every basic operation and operator valid in Math is also valid in Python: for example 1 + 1 is 2 and valid in Math, but also in Python, so you can use +-*/ and parentheses as normal, excluding some exceptions like ^, equal sign, parentheses different from round brackets, etcetera, but don't worry, we’re doing basic things for now! Print Knowing what a function is in Math, let's imagine you already defined ...

The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives

  Here is the first post of a series we wrote in 3sc. You'll find one each Thursday here on Let's Blog. This one is by Luca di Giannantonio. T oday’s post is about social media and its advantages and disadvantages as well as its impact on our lives. The social media brought a revolution of connectivity and  made communication much easier, although not all the communication on social media is useful. Social media eliminated the barriers of time and distance with an instantaneous communication. You can share and post photos and videos in real time everywhere in the world with only the tap of a screen. This means that all the individuals or organisations can reach the global audience easily, everyone can say is own ideas. Nowadays all the people use it, from the oldest to the youngest ones, and this has made social media powerful. Despite the changes and the benefits, social media have also a negative impact on our lives and our mental health. According to some studies pe...

Capturing Dreams: Being an American High School Student (II Part)

  If you’re here to listen stories about American students’ life-style you’re in the right place, but if you haven’t yet, consider checking my previous article, because we’re on the second part already!   READ PART I    In every American high school movie, we always happen to see characters with a very characteristic kind of leather jacket, which is worn by the athletes and, in case you didn’t know, it’s chosen by the high school and is different for every school. But not everybody gets the honor to wear one! Only the best athletes from every sports receives the right to buy it, and they are usually pretty expensive. The athletes that qualify have reached the Varsity team, the one that competes under the name of the school for the district championship every year.   Today, one of the biggest questions about American high school is going to have an answer:   ·        Are sports in High School as big as they make it see...

Paris: What to Visit

    Paris has always been one of the most sought-after destinations for world tourism and considered one of the most evocative and romantic cities in the world.   Many tourists go there for the first time, with the intention of not missing out on the unmissable musts of the French capital, but many others, passionate and experts on the destination, return several times over the years, in search of original and unusual places and new aspects and emotions that the capital can offer. A city rich in culture, art, style and romance, Paris offers its visitor absolutely unique places. But which are the ones that you will be able to discover in the little time available to you and that you absolutely must not miss?   From the world famous Eiffel Tower to the more unusual Paris of the Canal St-Martin, there are so many things to do in Paris and things to see in Paris and one way or another it will always be a difficult task to structure an itinerary that you can judge "...

The giants of cinema: a tribute to the most influential directors (Part I)

  Hello everyone, today I would like to pay homage to some of the most influential directors in history, who have revolutionized the world of cinema. Alfred Hitchcock: the master of thrills Alfred Hitchcock was a 20th century British director. In his career he directed over 50 films, the most famous being “Psycho” made in 1960. He is defined as the master of thrills as his films are characterized by suspense created by tension and dark atmosphere and by using the psychological elements. The main plots are fear, the psyche, all the hidden nuances of the human soul, in particular the darkest sides. After the discovery of color films, Hitchcock continued to make black and white films because he believed that black and white films created more suspense and because they were much cheaper than color films. Hitchcock's fear of the police is reflected in some of his films. Hitchcock revolutionized the world of thriller films and inspired many modern directors. In his career...