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Time for a chat or a chat for time? Social media in our everyday lives.

  Here's the third article in our series dedicated to social media and how they affect our lives. It's Lucrezia's turn today. Scroll down and enjoy reading!   Social media has been a great way for people to connect with others around the world. However, it has also become a source of distraction for many people. While some      use social media responsibly to enhance their lives, many have become overly reliant on it. This has led to people being distracted during conversations or even losing track of their schedules, and this is one of the bad aspects about today's topic: social media.    Did you know that around 62% of the world's population use social media? While this may seem obvious, it's actually an insane percentage considering that 74% of people in the world have access to safely managed drinking water, and the small numerical difference between these two is actually very relevant in daily life, so how much do we actually need social media? what are the

The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives


Here is the first post of a series we wrote in 3sc. You'll find one each Thursday here on Let's Blog. This one is by Luca di Giannantonio.

Today’s post is about social media and its advantages and disadvantages as well as its impact on our lives.

The social media brought a revolution of connectivity and  made communication much easier, although not all the communication on social media is useful.

Social media eliminated the barriers of time and distance with an instantaneous communication. You can share and post photos and videos in real time everywhere in the world with only the tap of a screen. This means that all the individuals or organisations can reach the global audience easily, everyone can say is own ideas.

Nowadays all the people use it, from the oldest to the youngest ones, and this has made social media powerful. Despite the changes and the benefits, social media have also a negative impact on our lives and our mental health.

According to some studies people who spend too much time on social media can have issues like anxiety, depression and less self-worth.

Furthermore,  some people prefer to spend more time on social media than with their friends. This is a terrible thing because, in this way you don’t have a relation face to face with your friends,  but only behind a screen.

When I am outside or in the restaurant,  I often see that people interrupt their conversation to answer a text message. In my opinion this behaviour is absolutely wrong, because when you are with someone you shouldn’t use your phone and isolate yourselves.

Another bad aspect of the social media is the addiction and dependency, the addictive nature of social media, characterized by endless scrolling and the increase of dopamine.

Excessive use can lead to neglect of real-life responsibilities, sleep disturbances, and a diminished sense of self-control.

The anonymity afforded by social media platforms can also be a problem,  because there are more cases of cyberbullying. Victims of online abuse often suffer strong psychological distress, and the consequences extend to affecting well - being.

 To sum up social media have brought revolutions and improved communications, but we shouldn’t ignore its worst sides as the negative impact on mental health, addiction and negative impact on relationships. So only being aware of its negative sides, we can watch out and defend ourselves, so that we can use social media in a responsible and safe way.

 Today’s Blogger

Hello, everybody! My name is Luca Di Giannantonio, I'm 16 years old and I come from Subiaco. I'm a student in the third year of the Liceo Scientifico. While my life might not be filled with extraordinary adventures, I'd like to share a bit about myself.

My favorite pastime is playing football, a sport I indulge in every day. During my free time, I enjoy listening to music, with hip hop being my preferred genre. I find pleasure in playing video games and reading books. I love to contribute to our web magazine and hope that you enjoy reading my posts.


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