Similar to the other fan based alternatives to the Undertale world, Glitchtaleis, an animated series created by Camila Cuevas, builds on the foundation of Undertale while introducing new, intricate plotlines. It expands the original game's narrative, delving into unexplored themes and conflicts. The series masterfully balances action, drama, and emotional moments, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Each episode reveals new layers to the story, making it a captivating and unpredictable journey for both new and long-time fans.
If you want to watch it, go see Camila Cuevas's channel:
(If you don't know what Undertale is...go check our previous blog!)
Traumatized Characters!
Glitchtale excels in developing its characters beyond their original portrayals in Undertale. Characters like Frisk, Sans, and Chara are given deeper backstories, motivations, and emotional arcs. This development makes them more relatable and complex, enhancing the audience's connection to them. The series also introduces original characters who add fresh dynamics and challenges, further enriching the narrative tapestry of Glitchtale.
Animation improvements
If you were there when the series started you can clearly see Camila Cuevas's animation progress. The improvement in character design, drawings and animation is outstandig, and it's one of the best part of watching an indie studio grow. Personally, I don't find it as visually appeling as other series like Underverse, but it has one heck of a story!
Godly soundtracks
Glitchtale's soundtrack significantly enhances the emotional and dramatic impact of the series. Composed by various talented artists, the music perfectly complements the on-screen action and character development. Each track is carefully chosen to match the tone of the scenes, whether it's a heart-pounding battle or a poignant character moment. The soundtrack helps to build an immersive atmosphere, drawing viewers deeper into the world of Glitchtale.
Community marriage
Glitchtale has fostered a dedicated and passionate fan community. Fans actively engage with the series through fan art, discussions, and fan theories, creating a vibrant and interactive ecosystem. Camila Cuevas maintains a close connection with her audience, often sharing updates, behind-the-scenes content, and responding to fan feedback. This level of engagement strengthens the bond between the creator and the fans, making the viewing experience more personal and rewarding.
Today's Blogger
I'm Francesco Macrini, I'm a computer science student who enjoys programming and watching anime.
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